The figure concerned is from an old HeroQuest set that I painted [some] of the figures. Maybe I'll get round to painting some more of them. I think I'll have to buy a size 000 brush first, as I want them to turn out a little better than this one. (you can really see all the imperfections when looking this closely.) I like very much how I did the bloodstain and the drybrushed areas, but it's not all neat, especially around the gloss yellow. Better stick to matt finishes in future.
I took this at f/16 on an old Super-Takumar 50mm f/2 lens (with an 8mm extension ring) and all other settings as usual. This lens seems to give some dodgy results exposure-wise, but I like using it occasionally.
This is only one half of a picture of two similar figures, but I cropped it as I thought just the one looked better. I also removed some dust spots. I'm not very happy with the shadow, but I don't think I could have improved it much. Also the background has a nice gradation to it.
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