As expected, I couldn't resist seeing what the bubbles in this orange lollipop looked like close up. I stuck all the extension tubes I had (minus the loose one,) on a 50mm lens and propped the sticky lolly in front of a desk lamp.
The first couple of attempts were plagued by flare, so I cut a small hole in a piece of cardboard and stuck it behind the lolly to cut down on peripheral illumination. This way the only light I really needed was shining through the lolly.
The image looked a great deal more orange out of the camera; while I still liked this, I found that pulling the white balance nearly all the way down made for more varied, acid yellow-greenish tones. While unrealistic, I just find them more pleasing.
Settings: f/9.5, 1/1.7, ISO 100, 50mm Pentacon M42, 81mm extension, fluorescent lamp, card, tripod. Colour and levels adjustments.
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