Sunday 7 March 2010

066: The Year We Make Potatoes

Not the year 066, I mean 2010. As far as I know, we haven't made contact yet, or built a great big spacecraft to travel to Saturn to check out all the weird happenings there...
Crap Sci-Fi film title reference aside, we can at least grow potatoes. Check out the super furry shoots on this one - coming along nicely.
A maincrop potato like this "Desiree" variety doesn't benefit much from chitting before planting, but it's not like I have a choice; they'll just start anyway. So they're kept in the light, where they go green, short and furry instead of in the dark where the shoots go long, pale and stringy.

Settings: f/11, 1/180 sec, ISO 200, same lens as yesterday but with black background.

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