Tuesday 30 March 2010

089: Vinegar & Oil

Oil and water-based liquids repel each other in very pretty ways sometimes. It's even better when they are brightly coloured, but vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar will do here. At least it looks appetising, after a fashion.
I splashed some vinegar on a plate of glass, then used a syringe to drop some oil onto it. Quite a lot of the oil migrated outwards before I finished setting up the shot. The bright oil bubble in the centre has very good contrast and sharpness.

I used the Helios-44 preset lens on an indeterminate aperture today, so it's listed as and approximate measure.

Settings: ~f/8, 1/125, ISO 100, 58mm Helios-44-2, 10mm extension, 1/4 flash, glass & white reflectors.

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