Wednesday 7 April 2010

097: Amaryllis Stigma

I have been informed that this looks phallic.
I can say that I definitely wasn't thinking of it that way when I took the photo. If anything, it's the opposite, being the female part of a flower. I rather thought it looked like a tiny hand, and I still do - that is, when other images aren't intruding into my mind's eye. Damn you, power of suggestion.

In a day or two the sticky appendages [...] will spread out into a curled-back triad formation. Maybe I'll rub some pollen on them; wouldn't that be sexy?

Settings: f/11, 1/180, ISO 100, 50mm Cosinon M42, 77mm extension, 1/4 flash, foil reflector. Slight colour adjustment, sharpening and cropping.

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