Thursday 15 April 2010

105: Popcorn Powerslide

Rather strange, this one.
It looks to me like both a powersliding figure and Dr. Zoidberg's head.
Also, the background was white, but I turned down the RAW exposure to get a better balanced image.

Settings: ~f/9, 1/180, ISO 100, 58mm Helios-44-2, 20mm extension, 1/4 flash, white & foil reflectors, glass, tripod.

An update on Friday's ladybirds: I saw a group of sparrows swarming over the tiny tree that the beetles cluster(ed) on, quite obviously pecking them off. I had to step outside so they'd fly off in an attempt to save a few; I did see one later on. Bloody sparrows! And I thought the starlings were the cheeky ones. I'm hoping the ladybirds may bounce back with their larvae...

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