A cardboard platter silently mouths a single word, as it spins on an old turntable. There are thirty-six 2cm images around the disc, each set at ten degrees to the next.
This is part of a video project - so it will also be produced as a moving image. When recording it on a video camera, I found that I needed to spin the turntable at 78 RPM, while setting the camcorder to 1/500 sec to get the images to strobe [somewhat] effectively.
I have another turntable I will try, which I may be able to control the speed more finely. Except that one doesn't look as interesting...

This version was taken slightly earlier, while the disc wasn't spinning. You can see the ink dots on the paper quite clearly here.
Settings for both: f/5.6, 1/80, ISO 100, 58mm Helios-44 M42, 16mm extension, halogen lamp, tripod.