Saturday 6 February 2010

037: Cardamoms

A little scene of cardamom pods that look like people in a crowd; Many of them seem to be looking upwards, in the way I see it.
The pods were well past their best. They were stuck to a sheet of glass with small blobs of blue plasticine, hence the avoidant high angle; I cropped the photo mostly to avoid some stray blue blobs at the lower sides that I didn't notice before. A piece of pale yellow paper ran under the glass and emerged upwards behind as a backdrop.

Settings are 1/180 sec, ISO 100, 50mm M42 with 20mm extension. I used the flash firing up and forward with a white refector above. I tried f/4 to start, but I settled on f/5.6 as it provided a more rounded exposure.
I also couldn't help adjusting the colours from the RAW file, as there is a very stylised and faintly strange feel to this scene. The added contrast also improves the texture of the pods.

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