Monday 22 February 2010

053: Cabbage Contours

Purple then, grey now; simply for the emphasis on tone and texture. I hd to turn the contrast up a fair bit for the look I wanted.
I tried some shots of the cabbage's cut face straight on flat, but they seemed little better than if had put the cabbage on a scanner, albeit with slightly better lighting. I also tried a couple at an angle, this is the final one I tried.
Settings were f/5.6, 1/180 sec, ISO 100, my usual 50mm M42 lens, this time with a 10mm extension. The orientation was originally landscape, but I cropped it to 2:3 at 100% height, as I decided that I preferred it after I looked at the best photo on a large screen.

Cabbages are rather like clouds in how you can imagine fairly abstract resemblances to other recognisable objects.
I think I can see the shape of an ear in there.

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